February 4, 2019
Are you interested in learning more about Wheat Quality and our Wheat Lab?
Please email Claudia Carter to carter@californiawheat.org and schedule a visit!
VARIETY SURVEY – We are currently receiving 2019 Wheat Variety Surveys. Please do not forget to submit yours!
Thank you for help.
Our Baker and Lab Manager, Teng Vang, spent 2 days testing and baking sourdough breads at the Artisan Baking Center with Keith Giusto from Central Milling. The idea was to test California Wheat varieties and obtain feedback from our customers who interact directly with Bakers. To see the final results, please click below:
SY Sienna – Hard Red Spring
Hard Red Spring Wheat developed by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. SY Sienna was derived from a cross between 08W11052 (Madsen/00W880404) and Cal Rojo. High yield potential with average test weight, good protein, and acceptable end-use quality. It is a semi-dwarf with plant height similar to Redwing and expressing very good straw strength, medium to late maturity, awed, white chaff and strap head type. SY Sienna has a good general foliar disease package which includes a resistance reaction to current stripe rust races. SY Sienna has been in the California Variety Testing program for several years with favorable performance (experimental number 13W00886) and was evaluated very favorable by the California Wheat Quality Council. SY Sienna has performed very well in the Central Valley and Sacramento area. SY Sienna will be commercially available fall of 2019 from Penny Newman Grain and Farmers Grain Elevator.
To learn more about Varieties: WB9350, WB9699, and WB9490. Please click below:
Welcoming our partners and customers at our Wheat Lab
It has already been a good and busy year!
The California Wheat Commission has hosted several representatives from the public and private sector. One of the Commission’s biggest advantages is having its own Wheat Quality Laboratory, which helps to interact and connect with Researchers and Customers. Since January 2019 we hosted:
~ Twenty-two students from Nanjing Agricultural University who are visiting the University of California, Davis.
~ Center for Ecoliteracy Executive Director, Adam Kesselman, and Program Manager, Leyla Marandi. We also had the opportunity to visit and tour the new Bay State Milling facility in Woodland.
~ Ardent Mills and UC Davis – Food Science Professors Dr. Gail Bornhorst and Dr. Matthew Lange, and Ph.D student Tarini Naravane and PostDoc Silvia Keppler. Also, Dr. Sumana Bell and Mr. Gang Guo from Ardent Mills were part of this visit.
~ Dr. Atena Haghighattalab who leads a very important initiative to develop a long range plan for research infrastructure investments that create opportunities for public-private partnerships. Her work is supported by PepsiCo and the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Minnesota.
~ Mr. Sho Nakajima from Nippon Flour Mills, Japan. Mr. Nakajima visited our Lab to learn more about California Wheat and its unique quality characteristics.
We look forward to hosting many more at our Wheat Lab, as we are very proud of all the amazing work that happens right behind our doors to meet our customers’ demand for QUALITY!