Triticale Crops


Like wheat, triticale is grown in California for both forage and grain.  In foods, triticale grain adds an array of pleasing flavors and health-giving nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants.  Along with diverse flavors that reflect its heritage of wheat and rye, triticale typically has a natural sweetness, which can reduce use of added sugar.  

Triticale grows well in conditions where wheat does not. In many production areas triticale yields more grain per acre (hectare) than wheat while needing the same or fewer production inputs.  Triticale’s productivity and efficient uptake of soil nutrients increase farm profitability. Higher productivity and nutrient uptake also benefit the environment by reducing emission of greenhouse gasses and improving water quality.  Triticale is very well suited for organic and regenerativefarming.3. Include the highlight that you wrote (shown in orange color)  and add “For more information about the use of triticale for foods, see" (shown in green color) plus the link to the website. 

In short: triticale is delicious, good for our health, the health of our farm communities, and the health of our planet
For more information about the use of triticale for foods, see:

Triticale adds to the array of pleasing flavors and health-giving nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and other attributes that make whole grains so important.  Along with diverse flavors that reflect its heritage of wheat and rye, triticale typically has a natural sweetness, which can reduce use of added sugar. Aided by its rye heritage, triticale grows well in conditions where wheat does not. In many production areas triticale yields more grain per acre(hectare)than wheat while needing the same or fewer production inputs.  Triticale’s productivity and efficient uptake of soil nutrients increase farm profitability. Higher productivity and nutrient uptake also benefit the environment by reducing emission of greenhouse gasses and improving water quality.  Triticale is very well suited for organic and regenerative farming.

How is triticale used now?

Prospects for increasing the use of triticale for food

The use of triticale for feed and biofuel has made it an important crop, but not as important or as profitable for farmers as it would be if it was used more widely for food.

For Soil health

Because of triticale’s vigor and productivity, and its benefits for crop rotations and soil health, farmers would love to grow more triticale if they could sell it for higher valued food use.

For Food & Health

Some of the factors that have limited the use of triticale for food in the past were inherent in our food production system, and some were inherent in triticale itself.   Both our food system and triticale are now changing in ways that favor the use of triticale for food.

Consumers increasingly are looking for more flavorful, healthful, and novel breads and other foods made with grain.  Markets for bread and other grain-based products in the U.S. are becoming more diverse.  The number and size of niches where triticale can gain momentum as a food grain are increasing.  Meanwhile researchers and practitioners have demonstrated the technically feasible production of a wide array of desirable triticale food products.

The productivity of the triticale plant and the composition of its grain make triticale an ideal crop for increasing consumption of whole grains and enhancing the productivity and health of our crop production environment.  Millers, bakers, farmers, and triticale breeders are working together to continue to improve the production and use triticale grain for bread and other food products.  The Triticale Commons is dedicated to helping them do that.

Triticale Type